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Calf augmentation

Calf augmentation with implants is a cosmetic surgical procedure that designed to create fullness in the lower leg and correct for muscle imbalance that can be due to congenital or physical causes. People consider calf implants to emphasize the calf muscles or achieve a proportionate lower leg or to correct for some lower leg defects. 

The procedure is mainly carried out under general anesthesia. The surgery involves an incision that will be placed at the natural crease behind the knee and an implant will be placed into its intended location after creating of a pocket. 

After the surgery, there will be some degree of discomfort while walking, bruising and swelling for few days. Strenuous activities must be avoided for several weeks and a compression garment must be worn for the recommended period of time. Dr. Said will give you detailed instructions on how to best handle your recovery. 

The complications associated with calf augmentation are swelling, bruising, numbness, muscle cramps, infections, hematoma, seroma, poor wound healing, asymmetry and nerve damage.

Calf augmentation will provide patients with a more toned, symmetrical and harmonious calves that are long lasting.