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Buttock augmentation

Gluteal augmentation or buttock augmentation is a surgical procedure that aims at enhancing and reshaping the gluteal area. The buttocks might suffer changes in volume and shape due to the effects of pregnancy, weight changes and aging. Patients choose buttock augmentation to enhance the shape and size of the buttocks; and, some patients with under-developed buttocks aim for a more proportionate figure with symmetrical curves. 

The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia. Buttock augmentation can be performed via autologous fat transfer, which is known as the Brazilian Butt lift, where fat is removed from different parts of the body and is then injected into the buttocks through a small incision at the gluteal crease. It can also be done through buttock implants where an incision is made at the gluteal crease and the implants placed in the desired location.

After surgery, there will be some degree of discomfort, bruising and swelling for a few days. Strenuous activities must be avoided for several weeks and a compression garment must be worn for the recommended period of time. Dr. Said will give you detailed instructions on how to best handle your recovery. 

The risks and complications associated with buttock augmentation are swelling, bruising, numbness, a tight feeling in the operated area, pain, infection, hematoma, seroma, poor wound healing, asymmetry and shift of the implants.

Patients who undergo buttock augmentation will be able to enjoy a more accentuated and shapely figure with proportionate curves. For gluteal implants the outcome is long-lasting. However, for the Brazilian Butt lift procedure a certain amount of fat is expected to be absorbed and a second procedure might be required to achieve the desired result.